Classic Word Cloud4

Small Groups

A Small Group is available for everyone.

We live out our mission statement to create connections through extending Christ’s love through small group fellowships, spanning a variety of ages and interests.

The Thursday Evening group is just beginning a study of the book of Revelation as well as viewing "The Chosen", a TV video production by Angel studios, showing a beautiful, personal image of the human side of Jesus as he interacted day-to-day with his disciples and the religious leaders while faithfully and miraculously pursuing God's plan for our salvation.

Episode 1:

Angel › i-have-called-you-by-name

Contact Faith Church Staff to learn more about our small groups at: [email protected]

  • Faith Prayer Meeting Wednesdays at 11 am
  • Chrysalis Create Group - Saturday 11 am
  • Saturday ONE Prayer Group 8:30 am at Elmhurst CRC
  • Adult Choir - Sunday rehearsal -summer break
  • Women's Bible Study - Wednesdays -summer break
  • Evening Bible Study - Thursdays 7 pm - Revelation study
  • Prayer Hugs Crochet group -2nd Wednesday each month -1 pm at Elmhurst Library Makery Room